I charge $165 / 60 minute session. I also offer 90 minute sessions, 2 hour sessions, custom sessions and packages depending on your individual needs. I’m happy to talk more about this during your free consultation. Fyi, I do offer a discounted sliding scale as well for those who qualify.
Absolutely. My coaching is extremely effective without the use of microdosing. I’d say about 50% of my clients hire me for coaching + microdosing and 50%, straight up Co-Active and Internal Family Systems inspired coaching.
Sessions are 60 minutes. I request a 12 session commitment, once a week. This amount of time gives us enough “breathing room” for us to get to know each other and the space to nurture transformation. Any paid sessions that are not used for any reason, whatsoever, will be fully refunded.
There’s a part of our brain called The Default Mode Network which is generally responsible for thinking about ourselves, thinking about other people and thinking about the past and the future. That in itself is not a problem. The problem arises when we find ourselves obsessing, ruminating, procrastinating, losing our temper, becoming self-critical, experiencing addiction and having thoughts and behaving in ways that are not serving us. These behaviors can lead us to anxiety, depression and stress. What microdosing seems to do, to one degree or another, is turn off the Default Mode Network. This allows us to access more focus, productivity, compassion, creativity, better sleep, more energy, increased emotional awareness, greater emotional connection with people, more presence, increased openness, increased sense of wonder, increased sense of belonging, increased sense of unity, increased connection with life mission, increased gratitude for life and a sense of peace. Two other amazing benefits that suprised me are reduced PMS symptoms and less stuttering. The research of microdosing continues to reveal additional benefits on a daily basis. The simplest way that I describe it to my clients is that it quiets the mind and opens the heart. From this quiet and open hearted place, I come in as your coach, asking powerful questions and ultimately assisting you in making changes in your life.
Please keep in mind I’m not a neuroscientist. What I’m sharing is my understanding of some of the research in the area of psychedelics and microdosing based on studies from institutions such as John Hopkins, Imperial College of London and MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelics Studies) and MANY hours of chatting with trusted sources.
Magic mushrooms contain a psychoactive component, (psychoactive meaning affecting the mind), called psilocybin.
When we ingest the mushroom the psilocybin enters the brain and it binds to a specific serotonin receptor called the 5HT2A serotonin receptor.
When these receptors take in the psilocybin, they release glutamate, which is an excitatory neurotransmitter. The glutamate then excites neurons in the part of the brain called the Default Mode Network.
The Default Mode Network, which is a collection of areas of the brain which each have their own specific function, need to work together like a symphony in order to operate optimally as a collective. What’s been found clinically is that people with anxiety and depression have a dysfunctional Default Mode Network, which is thought to be poor connectivity between certain regions of the front and rear portions of the brain and too much connectivity in certain areas of the front part of the brain.
The important and powerful thing that mushrooms do in the Default Mode Network is that it reduces connectivity in certain regions in the front part of the brain while increasing connectivity between certain regions in front and rear regions of the brain.
The best way I have found to explain this is the “How to ride a bicycle analogy”: If you approached a therapist, consultant, and coach and asked each one, “How do I learn to ride a bicycle? The therapist would have you approach the bicycle and ask how that feels, what prior associations do you have with bicycles? etc. The consultant would get on the bicycle, ride the bicycle, write instructions for the ‘how to operate’ the bicycle and then they would hand those to you. A coach would say, “Okay, I invite you to get on the bike and I’ll walk alongside you until you can DO it on your own.”
The most common denominator of why someone would reach out to me as a coach is that they are wanting to make a change in their life of some sort. This could be letting go of a limiting belief, feeling stuck, accelerating personal growth, getting off of an SSRI or anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication. It really can be anything.