Be Empowered, Fulfilled & Peaceful


I coach my clients one-on-one and in groups, ultimately helping them find more peace, fulfillment, and joy. I keep a keen focus throughout my coaching sessions to uncover opportunities for my clients to learn and practice the skills of awareness and mindfulness. I believe that those I work with are naturally creative, resourceful and whole, that nothing is broken or needs fixing; that we all have a natural ability to resolve the challenges we face, and that while I have the questions, you have the answers.

Many of us feel anxious, stressed, depressed and/or out of alignment because we are not clear on what we value or we are not honoring what we value in our lives. What I hope you walk away with from my coaching program is a crystal clear grasp on what your core values are (these can serve as a compass), a deep relationship with your inner-critic (or saboteur) and your inner-leader (your most empowered self), a clear life purpose, support allies that you will create, embody and call upon when needed and a keen handle on the skill of microdosing if you choose to incorporate this powerful tool (microdosing is optional).

  • microdosing-guide-colorado

    Microdosing Guide

    I will teach you the skill of microdosing, including best practices, how to calibrate your dosage, pro tips of how to get the most out of your microdosing cycle and the neuroscience behind microdosing.

  • certified-life-coach-colorado

    Certified Life Coach

    I will help you see where you are in your life right now, get clear on what you want, help you identify what’s getting in your way, and get you to create a roadmap to align with where you want to go.

  • plant-medicine-integration

    Plant Medicine Integration

    I will help you prepare for, make sense of your plant medicine experience, process any insights that arose during your experience and apply what you learned to your life moving forward.

The goal for me, as your coach, is to walk alongside you as you learn how to ride the “bicycle of life” with more grace and ease, so you can have a smoother ride through life. At the end of our journey together, I simply step aside as you integrate, practice and “live” the skills you’ve discovered, ultimately feeling more empowered, fulfilled and peaceful.

About Lee

My personal life coaching practice specializes in utilizing microdosing psychedelics, as a tool, to access change and personal growth more easily. I coach my clients one-on-one, ultimately, helping them find more peace, fulfillment and joy in their lives.

My education includes a Certification from the Co-Active Coaching Institute, two microdosing courses (for coaches, therapists and doctors), a Bachelor’s degree in Business from the University of Maryland, and various prestigious acting schools.

Some experts in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, addiction, meditation, plant medicine and personal and spiritual growth that I am influenced by are Eckhart Tolle, Brene Brown, Gabor Mate, Ram Dass, Viktor Frankl, Sam Harris, Pema Chodron, Alan Watts, Thich That Hanh and the Dali Lama, just to name a few.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

- Viktor Frankl